Monday, 8 September 2014

Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 Classes – J1– Mrs Davies/ Miss Harwood
                                J2– Miss Woolls

We hope you have all had a lovely summer and we would like to welcome your son/ daughter  into year 3. We are sure that he/ she will have an enjoyable year ahead. We would like to take this opportunity to explain some important information at the start of the year.
Our topic this half term is Disaster Zone.
This topic has a geography focus and teaches children about the causes and impact of natural disasters involving water, flooding and erosion and the environmental factors which cause them. During this topic the children will write reports using factual data . In addition children develop skills to write leaflets and present findings from tests and investigations using scientific and geographical language. If you have any resources related to this subject, please feel free to bring them in.
Your child has been given a reading book and a reading record. Your child will be reading with the teacher every week, one week individually and the other week as part of a guided group reading session. Please could you encourage your child to bring the record, and their book on their reading day. We encourage each pupil to read at home on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes. Please update your child’s reading diary weekly and they then will be able to change their book.
Your child's PE day is as follows

Indoor PE
Outdoor PE

The children will be given Homework books and they may cover/ decorate them as they wish.
The children will be given maths homework every other week. This can be stuck into the back of their homework books.
The alternate week they will be given Literacy/ Topic based homework. This can be completed in the front of their books.
The children will be given the homework on a Monday and they will have to bring it in on the Monday
In year 3 we also encourage the children to learn their times tables and the spellings given as this will assist them in Literacy and Numeracy lessons.

Morning Routine
In the mornings please can the children not enter the Year 3 building to drop off their bags before 9am. This is for health and safety reasons.

If you wish to find out even more exciting news, please follow us on twitter; @pontyclunpri

We are really excited about the new school year and are looking
forward to getting to know our new classes!
Thank you for continued support,
Year 3 Teachers.