Year 3 Summer Term Topics- Looking at Evidence/ Recycling
5, 3,4 times tables
Hundreds, tens, units
Rounding to 10, 100
Adding to 20, 100
Taking away
Multiplying/ dividing- 2, 5
Time- 5 minutes on a clock, half and quarter past
Metres/ centimetres
3D shapes
Adventure story writing
Nonsense Poems
Spelling patterns
Grammar and punctuation
Reading and understanding of text
Science- Light and Shadows
Different types of light sources
Properties of light
Use of light sources
Plan an investigation
Different types of recycled materials
How do we use these materials?
What else could we recycle?
Additional Subjects
D.T. – Desk tidy and computer control
Art – Celtic jewellery
R.E. – Judaism
Welsh – Y Tywydd, leisure, time
P.E. - Dance, Hockey, Athletics
Geography- Recycling in our community
History- Looking at evidence