Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Investigating Forces

As part of our science work on forces we investigated how far toy cars would travel using an elastic band. We worked in groups of 4 and discussed with each other the best method of carrying out this investigation. We measured how far we pulled back the elastic band and also measured the distanced travelled by the car. We recorded the results of all the cars. Here are some of our pictures and this is what we said:
Aimee "It was fun learning about how forces work."
Megan "The more you pull the elastic back the further the car will travel."
Iwan " I enjoyed pulling the different cars back with the elastic and watching them zoom across the floor".

Harry "I enjoyed working with my group and would like to do it again."

Cara " It was fun and I enjoyed it."

Leon " I thought the yellow sports car would go the furthest, it measured over 4m"
When we got back to class we recorded our results in our books.

Friday, 22 May 2009

KS2 Sports Day

Dear Parent(S),

Please not that the KS2 sports day will be held on Monday 1st of June at 1:30pm.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Maths Problem Solving

This week we have been problem solving in maths. We worked with a partner and had to try and solve the problem using the different objects. We had straws that had to be made into squares and pencils into triangles. We needed to measure distances and sequence patterns on our white boards. We had lots of fun.
Kai said " I really enjoyed the measuring we worked out the answer together."

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Siarad Cymraeg

Dyma ni yn siarad Cymraeg.
We have been writing all about ourselves in Welsh. Gwrandewch i ni.
Listen to what we have to say.

Let's Investigate

This morning J1 have been busy investigating magnets. We have been predicting which materials are magnetic and materials that are not.
Bethan said, "I found an old one penny coin in the school garden. It has the date 1911 on it. I predicted that it would be magnetic and I was really surprised to find out that it wasn't. When I tested a 2p coin I found out that it was magnetic".

We have also been investigating the question 'What did Celtic Warriors Look Like?'

We began by asking 'What interpretations do we have of the Celts?'

We looked at some interpretations and discussed them.

Then we created our own interpretations from the evidence we examined.

Here is Jay's interpretation of what a Celtic Warrior might have looked like.

We then compared our interpretations and looked for similarities and differences in our work.

We talked about the sources that Year 3 and other artists and writers might have used.

We recognised that the past is represented and interpreted in many different ways.

What do you think of Jay's interpretation?